
Rugby AU has moved to a different platform for all rugby related results, registrations, data entry and all things related to rugby. Therefore getting to the results page is a bit different than before and requires a bit of work if you want to access it via the web. The best way to keep up to date with what’s happening with Seahorse Rugby is to download the Rugby Xplorer App for Apple or Android phones. Then you can search and save University of Newcastle Rugby and get quick access to all scores and news about the club.

If you still want to access fixtures and results from the web please do the following:

  1. Click the Rugby Match Centre link below these instructions

  2. Type in the word NHRU in the search bar

  3. Pick your desired competition grade

  4. Pick the round you are seeking or at the bottom select All Rounds


To download the Rugby Xplorer App please either click the links below, or go to the iTunes Store for Apple or the Google Play Store for Android on your Smartphone.